Become a Sponsor for this Exhibition, "Pieces of Woman".

Become a Sponsor for this Exhibition, "Pieces of Woman".


Helen is asking if you would consider becoming a sponsor for this exhibition. This would enable the exhibition to reach a much wider audience and to also allow more people to take part in both the workshops and events. The venue, the RePUBlic Gallery operates as a CIC (Community Interest Company) so to support this venue is very worthwhile and one of the few gallery spaces in the area for artists to exhibit.

Any help, however small would be appreciated.
I am asking for donations of £20.
This would buy 50 leaflets for marketing.
This would contribute to the costs of the 7 plinths we have had to buy to display the 3D work.
This could pay towards the travel costs for the poets performing on the 28th February

Some money would be used to give concessionary rates to people who otherwise may want to attend a workshop but would be put off by the price. In return sponsors would receive an invite to the private viewing event and also have their sponsorship acknowledged within the exhibition.

If you could donate more than £20 that would be wonderful and all you would have to do is buy multiples of £20 using the “quantity” box.

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