What has Primula Cheese got to do with glass?

A very nice man came into my studio not so long ago and wanted ten pieces of glass made as gifts based on some aspects of Newcastle. It turned out, after a little chat and me doing my usual  asking lots of questions,  he was the managing director for the Kavli Trust  which owns Primula Cheese (plus other businesses) which is based on the Team Valley trading estate.  The Kavli Trust supports good causes. "Part of Kavli’s profits are reinvested to strengthen and develop group’s operations, while the remainder benefits research, cultural activities and humanitarian work through the trust".  And this is global.

The Kavli Trust was established in Norway and their main offices are in Bergen. My ten pieces of glass were made as gifts for members of the Kavli Trust visiting Newcastle.  They were going to have a tour of the Baltic and a trip down the Tyne on a river boat. Hence the images on the glass.

Up until this point I had never heard of Kavli. Its a shame that we are constantly hearing of the corruptness, bribery and stealing that goes on in the corporate world and yet here is a large business  getting on and doing a lot of good world -wide. A business that is prepared to invest a lot of its profits in people and to be, in a little way involved in that I thank you Paul.