How important it is to give yourself time.

Have just come back from three days in the Lake District and it has reminded me how important it is in this "time short" society that we all need to take time out for ourselves. We or rather I, make my life very hectic and to be able to step out of that is a gift that probably a lot of people can't do. 

To be able to spend time with Joe, walking and talking in such a beautiful setting has nourished my soul so that when I step back into the day to day "stuff" I do it with a much lighter heart. It also reminds me we don't need alot of "stuff" in terms of material "stuff". 

Walking in the mountains, in the woods and by the lake "grounds me". It nourishes my creative spirit, gives me ideas about my next piece of glass work and sustains the enthusiasm to get on and do it. It is all about looking after yourself and being compassionate to yourself.

"To live simply is to be compassionate to yourself and to the world. A life full of material goods and barren of compassion is quite unsustainable"


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