A treat for the birthday girl.

The birthday girl being my daughter but when your daughter likes the same things as you then obviously I have to accompany her on her birthday treat. "What was the birthday treat?", I hear you ask.  Well both Dena and myself got to spend a whole day with Julie Brown King , a dear friend and a very talented ceramicist throwing pots on an electric wheel and doing some hand building with clay.

Julie has set up her pottery studio in her garage and has all she needs to create beautiful sculptures and bowls to sell through various galleries and fairs in the North East. Dena had wanted to develop her skill as a "thrower"........is that the right technical term, not sure, will have to ask Julie about that one. Anyway Dena got to spend the day throwing bowls, pots and cups under Julies watchful eye and brilliant guidance. Then once the pieces had dried Dena then painted them with coloured slip so now she awaits the results of the pieces being fired.

For me, I spent the day hand building. I thought it would be a good idea to be able to make some clay moulds that I could then use in my glasswork.. I made up some flat clay tiles then pressed flowers into them. I hope that once they are biscuit fired I can then use them in my glass kiln and melt glass into the designs to then get the impressions into the glass.

It was a great day in lots of ways. I got to spend some quality time with my lovely daughter being creative and then also spending the day with Julie was a real treat. Thank you Julie for making it such a special day for both of us.

If any of you out there are interested in clay workshops you can contact Julie Brown King via her facebook page.

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